The point is to increase gradually the level of the understanding, cultivation and practice of musical art. This task falls particularly to the new Academy.

Liszt to Antal Augusz

Senior lecturer of the Liszt Academy in Cambridge

5 March 2014

László Stachó, senior lecturer at the Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music, has won a three-month research scholarship of the joint research centre for music performance of Cambridge University, Oxford University and King's College London.

Each year the Research Centre for Musical Performance as Creative Practice (CMPCP), reckoned to be the world's foremost centre for the research of performance arts and their scientifically-based teaching, gives the opportunity for in-depth study to two internationally renowned artists or post-doctoral researchers. As one of the winners of the scholarship, László Stachó will conduct his own research at Cambridge University under the guidance of professor John Rink, one of the world's leading Chopin researchers, and at King's College London under Daniel Leech-Wilkinson, in addition to which he will hold practical methodology workshops. Currently László Stachó teaches the latter subject as senior lecturer of the Kodály Institute of the Liszt Academy as an elective course in the framework of the music pedagogy classes of the Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music, and as part of the revised teacher training modules from academic year 2014/15.
