The point is to increase gradually the level of the understanding, cultivation and practice of musical art. This task falls particularly to the new Academy.

Liszt to Antal Augusz

Concert Centre News

November Master Courses at the Liszt Academy

13 November 2013

Marc Damoulakis, Miklós Perényi, Lajos Rovátkay, Ernő Sebestyén, Simon Standage, Gábor Takács-Nagy, Wolfgang Rathert and Péter Eötvös are all holding master courses in the upcoming weeks at the Liszt Academy of Music.



8 November 2013

There can be no better way of revealing the symbiosis of teaching and concert performance than the concert series ”On the Spot”, which introduces the departments of the Liszt Academy. Ahead of the upcoming concerts presenting the Jazz Department and the Trombone Department, pianist Károly Binder, head of the Jazz Department, and trombonist Gusztáv Hőna, head of the Woodwinds and Brass Department, spoke to Tamás Vajna about the importance of scripted music and improvisation, the unavoidability of contemporary music, and the features of Hungarian jazz.


Return of the Genius

6 November 2013

After a seven-year break the charismatic Russian returns to the Liszt Academy in order to play one of the most charming piano concertos by Mozart. Text by Gergely Fazekas


Absolute Freedom

4 November 2013

This is the first time that Brad Mehldau is going solo in Hungary, in the Grand Hall of the Liszt Academy. Interview by Tamás Vajna
