The most important class, however, for me and for hundreds of other Hungarian musicians, was the chamber-music class. From about the age of fourteen, and until graduation from the Academy, all instrumentalists except the heavy-brass players and percussionists had to participate in this course. Presiding over it for many years was the composer Leó Weiner, who thus exercised an enormous influence on three generations of Hungarian musicians.

Sir Georg Solti

Köztelek Street Building

Address: 1092 Budapest, Köztelek utca 8., phone:  (1) 323-1750


How to reach:

  • Tram No. 4. or No. 6. - take off at stop Corvin negyed (formerly Ferenc körút)
  • Tram No. 47. or No. 49. - take off at stop Kálvin tér
  • Blue metro line (No.3.) - take off at station Corvin negyed (formerly Ferenc körút) or Kálvin tér (the street is located half-way between the two stations)
  • Bus No. 15, 115 - take off at stop Köztelek utca


The building houses the Jazz Department.